Tuesday, November 23, 2010

And so it begins...

Thanksgiving preparation! In the...
The French bread is drying out
Brine was made
Turkeys placed in brine bag
Brine bag seal breaks and improvisations needed to be made!

Two days ago I came home to crabs on my counter. Before the last one was put in the pot he cried to me and said, "oh please don't let him put me in there, please I promise to be a good crab!" Alas I could not save him.
After hearing their little legs tapping Morse Code against the sides of the pan, I had to leave the kitchen.
 Three crabs, everyone enjoyed, I could not! From what they told me they were not as good as the blue shell ones daddy brought home a few months ago.

1 comment:

  1. If you put them in the freezer for awhile, they go to sleep, like hibernation and don't wake up when you put them in the pot.
