Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Last night Jessica helped me finish the turkey pops Rhonda and I had started a few days before...

A bowl full of turkey heads. Made from chocolate covered espresso beans,
candy coated sunflower seeds and heart sprinkles
 Gobble, Gobble
 A bunch of gobblers!
 Then I came up with this super snazzy idea
to dip pretzels in the left over chocolate
Thanksgiving Day... What a day...

 Rolling out the crust in the morning

 My favorite!
Jesus flipping the birds
Aren't they sexy!?! Two 14 pound beauties.
The side dishes
Stuffing with caramelized onions, bacon, sage and apples.
 Creamy garlic potatoes
 Creamed Spinach
 Ginger honey sweet potatoes,
and giblet gravy
Please don't tell me it does not go with this meal, I don't care it was good!
 Harry at my feet! (as usual)

 The Sophia special

And then there was pie, 
pumpkin pie to be exact with whip cream and Whiskey Maple Cream Sauce
 Yes I said both!

 Oh boy do my feet hurt. But, I must say I am getting better at this because everything was on the table by 4:30 this year. I had some help from my hubby of course and his mother peeled potatoes and cleaned up after me. I can't say much more, I am too darn tired!

Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

And so it begins...

Thanksgiving preparation! In the...
The French bread is drying out
Brine was made
Turkeys placed in brine bag
Brine bag seal breaks and improvisations needed to be made!

Two days ago I came home to crabs on my counter. Before the last one was put in the pot he cried to me and said, "oh please don't let him put me in there, please I promise to be a good crab!" Alas I could not save him.
After hearing their little legs tapping Morse Code against the sides of the pan, I had to leave the kitchen.
 Three crabs, everyone enjoyed, I could not! From what they told me they were not as good as the blue shell ones daddy brought home a few months ago.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I would like to introduce two of my friends

Their names are Eggs Seuche and Poor Mans Soup.

My senior year of High School I lived up in Eureka with my aunt and uncle. My aunt Carla is one of my idols, I learned a lot from watching her in the kitchen. But, as far as I know Eggs Seuche are my uncle Tully's invention. I vaguely remember him telling me that people somewhere make them like this. Then again he can be a storyteller. UNDERSTAND THIS: do not knock it until you have tried it. Remember when you were a kid and you just knew in your heart that something was gross just by looking at it. Come to find out, now that you are grown, you had missed out on quite a bit, all because of preconceived notions. So, I ask you to please not judge, and try it!

It is simple: melt some butter in a pan on medium low heat, scramble some eggs with salt in a bowl and then add to the pan, cook them slowly, stirring often so that the eggs form small curds. Shut off the heat moments before they are fully cooked, and give them one final stir. Now here is the part that will scare many of you. Go to your refrigerator and get out the mayonnaise. Yes, the mayonnaise. Take a spoon of mayo and add it to the pan, then stir until it has seemed to disappear and lightly coat the eggs. How much mayo is up to you, just remember sometimes there is too much of a good thing and then it becomes a bad thing. OK?

Clear your mind and take a bite! See Mr. Seuche? He is right there on the left of the plate. Now does he really look scary? No, I didn't think so.

My other friend? Poor Mans Soup? I invented him many years ago, when the cupboards were nearly bare, and it was cold and icky outside. Brown a pound of ground beef, and a chopped white onion.
Peel and cut potatoes into cubes, I like red or yellow Yukon for this.
Add a can of el pato and a good 8 cups of broth, season with salt. 
Simmer until potatoes are done.
This soup is also excellent with nopales, mushrooms, or carrots.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

An array of information

Life seems to be spinning nearly out of control. I am longing to get back to the basics, just me and my family in our quiet (well not always) little tin can. Where my worries are consumed by the everyday chores of my home life. I know it is far fetched but I am determined to get there. Because, they are my number one priority, and you cant help others unless they want to be helped, so why am I stretching my self so thin that I am now letting myself down. I know I just started writing this but I like that it helps me remind myself of the little things. It is those little things that keep me going. Allot has happened since my last post.

For my birthday I had three girlfriends come over, we drank Texas root beer floats and wine all night, and munched on a smorgasbord of orderves. I wanted only four of us because I did not want to host, and unlike myself, I didn't even cook anything. Costco has quite an impressive selection of all natural goodies, so I picked up mini quiches, spanakopita, and eggplant parm bites. The ladies brought artichoke jalapeno dip, spinach dip, pita chips, and apple slices with caramel. Is this making you hungry. The night was exactly what the doctor ordered. I did get these flowers, of course they are my favorite color!

The other night I made paprika chicken, mustard greens and bulgar. After you roast the chicken you toss the greens in the liquid left on the pan from the chicken and wilt it in the oven. Absolute heaven!

This Sunday Annabelle found the funnies
Then Sophia found them.
I love that both of them never noticed I took their pictures.

On Monday I had the opportunity to make my hubby what I call cheaters  chilaquiles. Oh so easy and you must try.
Brown cut up corn tortillas in oil or fat
Cook until golden brown
 Add a can of El Pato, and season with salt.
Then stir and let it sit for a  while so the tortillas soak up the sauce.
 Serve with bacon and fried eggs, scrambled is unacceptable!
Now you can die happy! Just kidding, but they are so delicioso!

My present finally came in the mail while we were off camping

I have been in such a mood for soup lately.
Refrigerator soup
 Sopa de fideo

Oh and the bangs are back!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Camping in a yurt

My husband and I first read about yurts in Mother Earth news a few years back. Ever since then we wanted to at-least visit one. Jesus was recently flipping through Sunset Magazine and spotted an ad for yurts at Mount Madonna County Park. What a great opportunity, it is our favorite campground after all, to celebrate his birthday. I think sometimes photos are worth more than words. The four of us stayed in the yurt for two nights.

Happy Birthday to the love of my life!!