Thursday, June 30, 2011

Before and After

I received this antique wardrobe cabinet as payment for babysitting! Poor thing had a half ass paint job and the shelves inside were made from old house siding, and scrap plywood. I wanted the cabinet because I love old furniture, I love to fix things up and give them new life, and I needed a closed pantry in preparation for this baby boy.
We repainted it black, put in new shelves, polished up the knobs, and knocked the centers out of the doors replacing them with chicken wire.

Its perfect and cost $46 for the new shelves, chicken wire, and contact paper.

I also nabbed this old dining table, it was being sent to the dump, two men tried repairing it without luck. I think they manhandled it!! I wanted a new sewing and craft table, and I wanted to save the poor thing from death (or at-least try to). The big problem was one of the leaves were broken and all the legs were in pieces. I used some clamps, strong wood glue, brackets and patience to take it from this....

and this...
To this!!!!!
and this!!! I just need to condition the wood some more and it should be good as new!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's all about Strawberries!!!

A few weeks ago the girls and I took a trip to Swanton Berry Farm in Davenport with Sophia's BFF and her mama Rhonda who is one of my BFF's! We picked 14 pounds of organic strawberries! They were perfect, red all the way through!
 Maple Strawberry Smooch simmering away
 Annabelle milling strawberries for jam

  Daddys art
 My footprint
 On home baked french toast!
 Maple Strawberry Smooch on the left, Old Fashioned Jam on the right

Sunday, June 5, 2011

What a week!

This past week was the girls last week of school, and their last week at that school. That is a happy and sad thing within itself. Unfortunately a good amount of the kids at the school they are leaving are a bit too rough. Annabelle attended two San Jose Unified schools in the past and fit right in and had good friends. However since we moved to the Tin Can and changed schools again she has struggled a lot. Sophia, aka tough cookie, has no problems whatsoever and adapts well to different environments. Annabelle Marie is a different story.   The sad part is that the school has some AMAZING teachers (you know who you are)!!! They have made lasting impressions on my girls, and helped them succeed! I also got to know some of the wonderful teachers there from when I was PTA President, I will miss seeing them on a regular basis. But, I know we will stay friends!! 

Anyway on to this week. We have been lucky to have one of my favorite girls (other than my own) staying at our house since Thursday. We were even more excited to spend time with her because she and her parents are moving to S. Carolina in a few more weeks. It has been nice waking up every morning to their laughing and shenanigans!

 I have been craving Tortas! Good thing I am married to a wonderful Hispanic man who can make them for his pregnant wife whenever she asks for them! Thank-you my love!!!
We have still been successful at not buying bread at the store. Thanks to this awesome book. I have yet to make the same bread twice. This bread was a definite winner, Jewish egg bread.
 We made french toast with it this morning in response to the little ladies requests

 I also made 4 loaves of bread, we had alredy polished off one before I could take a picture, the center one is shaped like a football because it stuck to the peel. We are down  to two loaves, we enjoyed another today with Calolea strawberry vinegar and oil, from the Sunnyvale farmers market. I am a huge fan of their products!
 Since I finished his jacket I started on baby Johns first pair of socks, unfortunately today I had to rip out a hand full of rows.
 Tonight's dinner looks like it was BBQed but due to this freaky, icky June weather we grilled it in the house. Honey ginger pork, crunchy boc choy, and white rice with vinegar and red pepper. Luckily it was kid approved, but that may have been because they were looking forward to desert.
 Butterscotch Banana splits!!!
YEAH! They were good!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Different Goodies!

Oh its been busy, I have been deep cleaning, painting, and working on the house everyday. Jesus has been helping every chance he gets. The baby's room is nearing completion, but I still need to sew the curtains and blanket. I just ordered the farm animal stickers for the walls, and all but one baseboard is in. Forgive me for the unclear pictures.

I have been cooking a lot lately too, here are some of the things I remembered to take a picture of.
 Pasta Caprese Salad, From Everyday Food
 Habanero Sausage, mashed potatoes, and bi-color corn
 Oatmeal Pancakes from Everyday food
 No I didn't burn them! I don't know what you are talking about they are totally edible!!

 Cucumber, Celery Salad with Tuna and Poppy Seeds!
 Fig and Pecan Biscotti
 Oh me, oh my! The Country White Bread grew a little too much!!
We harvested 17 heads of garlic today!!
My favorite Chilaquiles, eggs and bacon. I cheat and use El Pato!

John's Sweater just needs the pockets finished and the buttons!!