Saturday, October 24, 2009

Changes to come..

Today my girls missed dance class so mommy could attend an open house at PCI, Professional Culinary Institute. See, I have this dream, a dream that combines some of my passions all in to one. I would like to make a living doing them, change them from hobbies to an everyday reality that will provide for my family. I have been lucky to have different work experiences through the years, but I always got bored. A big passion for me is providing wholesome good tasting food for my family and friends, and I am always looking for something new and intriguing to try. It is so rewarding growing your own veggies, everyday they get a little bigger, until they are ready to be harvested. I took this old place we live in from rags to riches. Having a vision of the potential, my husband and I jumped in head first. So, recently my daughters teacher from last year planted a seed in my brain. She encouraged me to turn my passion for food into a career, she suggested I work at becoming a personal chef. That seed has been growing and I can't ignore it. So today was the first step. Monday I will be checking out another school. I need to start maping out a game plan, so that dream that has been sitting so quietly for so long, never planning to be heard, can speak up!!