Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Apricots!! Heavenly Apricots!!

Did you know apricots are my all time favorite fruit!! I have an dwarf apricot in the tin cans garden but it is taking its du dah dang time ripening the fruit, and to top that off the weird weather we have been having caused the fruit to split! Boooo.... This is very sad, I can see them out my bedroom window and it makes me want to cry! If I pick them before they are ripe they shrivel before getting ripe and if I leave them on there till they are near ripe the cracks in them mold. I may get a few good ones. soon. I hope.

The thing that really sucks is that they are only in season for 6 weeks at the most! LAME! The good news is that apricots make the most fantabulous jam ever!! I purchased a jam flat of organic apricots from Frog Hollow Farm in Brentwood. I reserved the flat at $30!!! When it came in it weighed 11.5 lbs. I was happy as a clam. Unfortunately being in my third trimester slows me way down and it took me three days to complete making the jam and then two more to make apricot butter.

Even the box is pretty!
 oooooh look at those pretty babies!!

 After blanching, peeling, pitting, and chopping the apricots
they got thrown in a saucepan with sugar and lemon juice.
  Aren't they beautiful!!!
 Are you drooling? I am every time I open a jar!
Unfortunately for you when it comes to apricots, I am not sharing!! 
Unless you come over for breakfast, then I guess you can have some on your toast!!
I'm just a tease sometimes!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The 4th

We always invite people over for holidays, and are rarely taken up on it. This time there were 20 of us! I have been really tired lately, and did not get a lot I planned on done, however we had a good time! With good friends!!!
My grandpas flag.

 The grill master
 Purdy heirloom tomatoes
 Olaliberry and Blueberry Trifle


I am so happy we drove out of the county to get sparklers!!! They were my favorite as a kid, and I wanted the kids to have the same memories!