Wednesday, November 2, 2011


A few months ago we had to get a bigger car, baby number three was almost here and we were not going to fit in the other one, especially with all the baby gear that would be in tow as well. So hubby got me one.

I love it. I love how it purrs as I am coasting up the highway, I love the GPS that keeps me on track, I love how sexy it is, I love how comfortable the family is inside, and it fits all our gear perfectly.

But lately when I am driving my car and cruising up the expressway I realize how many hundreds of cars are going with me, how many hundreds of cars cross my path, how many thousands of cars are traveling up the highway as I pass over it. So, now when I look at all those cars I see money burning, I see all the gas pumps running, I see all the refineries and trucks full of gas, I see the pollution. I feel sick.

I see the gas running out. and when the gas runs out we are going to be in a whole lot of trouble. Because we are so dependent on these cars to get us everything. What if we didn't have these cars, what would happen to us?

This is very troubling, we all need to start working on a solution. If we all do a little to curb our driving habits we can make a big difference. Little things... little things become bigger things.

  • Try to run as many errands at once, plan that trip in a circle rotating to the right. You will sit at less lights by making less lefts, and you wont leave the house repeatedly to go to yet another store.
  • Plan meals ahead and buy more at once, keep and inventory of food and items your family needs so you go out less often. I use a checklist on the fridge, I also ask everyone in the house if they noticed anything we have run out of so I can pick it up while I am out.
What ideas do you have so that we are behind the wheel less often?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


A few weeks ago I picked up 40 pounds of apples at our local farmers market we chose Jona-gold and Mutsu apples

Annabelle peeling, coring, and slicing the apples

Sophia's turn

Cooking the apples
Cinnamon on the left, regular on the right.
We still have 12 pounds of apples and we need to decide what to do with them fast!