Monday, January 30, 2012

Grandmas stool

My grandma Pearline has had this stool since before I was born.  I remember sitting on it as a little girl at the kitchen table with all the grown ups. I remember my brothers and cousins sitting on it too, or pulling out the steps and climbing up it. I remember trying to sit on it at the table when I was older, but my legs were too big.

She gave it to me many years ago, when my first child was still a baby, and as she grew we used it the same way. We also used it to paint rooms and reach stuff up high. It has always squeaked when we pull the steps out. It is a good stool, and unfortunately as time goes on it has shown its scars of use.

But it is a good stool and it has a long life ahead of it. So yesterday while my baby boy was sleeping and the girls were running around with their friends outside, I fixed it.

I had to scrub it clean again, and find a screw that would fit where one was lost to its leg. I took of the seat and back and removed the old vinyl and foam and cleaned off the rust. I was going to use just any fabric really, but then I spotted some oilcloth fabric I used to make sandwich bags with for my girls. Luckily I had just enough for the job. So I used some quilt batting to replace the old foam, streached the fabric over and put it back together.

Good as new!


  1. I have one I am about to redo. I have a question about attaching the fabric. Did you use glue and if so what type?
